Imagine if one day we lived in a world where simply wearing a specialized pair of glasses could treat Glaucoma.
This could be a fantastic alternative to painfully applying eye drops every day. Due to current research and findings, that day may be in the very near future!
A new type of eyewear, developed by Bionode, is currently being tested. Celia Vimont from the American Academy of Ophthalmology explains how these new glasses work and what they are made out of. “The new glasses contain a metal coil that produces a magnetic field and generates a current. The current flows through the ciliary muscles-a ring of muscle within the middle layer of the eye-and electrically stimulates the area where fluid leaves the eye. The treatment allows the natural drainage pathway to work more efficiently. This decreases pressure in the eye.”
The cherry on top? Researchers hope to develop a device that will look similar regular eyeglass frames. The treatment coil would be in the frame surrounding the lens. This means those who suffer from Glaucoma may not have to suffer from poorly designed frames. In fact, the possibilities may be endless for frame design for the specialized lenses.