Transition, also known as photochromic, lenses have been around for quite some time now. This is an optical lens that darkens at exposure to light of a high frequency, typically ultraviolet radiation. When the exposure to activating light decreases, these lenses return back to their clear state.
How do you know if transition lenses are the right fit for your clients?
We’ve gathered up information to help you make a well-informed decision on whether or not transition lenses are the right way to go.
Advantages of Transition Lenses:
Convenience is the ultimate advantage when it comes to transition lenses. These lenses can save a client the hassle of carrying around two different pairs of glasses for different needs. For clients that depend on sunglasses just as much as their prescription lenses, this means they can have the convenience of one pair that does it all. The ability to consolidate two pairs of glasses into one will also be a major cost saver for your clients!
Another benefit of transition lenses is their ability to provide your clients with UV protection. UV radiation, whether from natural sunlight or indoor artificial rays, can damage the eye’s surface tissues as well as the cornea and lens. We used to stress the importance of sunglasses to protect clients from sunlight exposure, but transition lenses now act as a stronger alternative. This type of lens filters out many harmful UV rays emitted from the sun, offering better eye health for your clients, and a sigh of relief to you.
The Disadvantages:
One downside to investing in transitional lenses is their slow reaction time. Unlike sunglasses, transitional lenses change shades throughout the day. Depending on the brand, not every pair transitions quickly. It can take up to several minutes to transition back to normal when walking from the car to the house on a sunny day.
Temperature also affects the transition time for these lenses. In the winter, your clients may notice their frames take a little longer to darken. The colder weather can cause slower reaction time to UV rays, unlike in the warmer seasons.
Lastly, transition lenses are not as effective when being worn inside a car. Since windshields are already designed to shield UV rays, they block the contact between transition lenses and the UV rays. When this happens, the lenses are not being triggered to successfully transition.
How Our Products Can Help:
Find the perfect fit for your clients by experimenting with our variety of transitional lenses. Here at Allentown Optical, we hold a wide range of brands, allowing you to explore what works best for your needs.
As eye care professionals, we understand the importance of keeping patients happy and healthy. Provide your clients with the protection, cost-efficiency, and convenience that transitional lenses offer. Take a look at the high-quality products and brands we carry at Allentown Optical and find how we can help serve you.